We have well established proprietary solutions, partners and customers in the engineering and digital product development sector. At your request we would be happy to provide you with a detailed description of our expertise and references in the field of your interest.
CADFEM GmbH – Grafing/DE | SOFiSTiK AG – Munich/DE | SimScale GmbH – Munich/DE |
BIM2Sim software development: BIM/Ifc model-view-controller extension for ANSYS |
SofistikRhino software development: CAD plugin – model-view-controller for SOFiSTiK in Rhinoceros 3D |
Software services: CAD and meshing services for Tet/Hex/Hybrid meshing |
Key Technical Portfolio
Geometry, Modelling, CAD & Pre-Processing
CAD-Modelling CAD-Clean-Up |
Product- & Building-Modelling |
Spatial tool for discrete geoemtry | |||
FEM-Mesh Generartion | |||
Computational Mechanics & Numerical Simulation
BIM-Coupled FEM simulations | |||
Analysis tools in engineering application | |
Machine learning in engineering | |
CAD/CAM/CAE – Production bridges | |||
3D printing services and utilities | |||
CNC & laser machine utilities | |||
Software development and digital tools | |||
Cloud tools and computing in engineering |
Talks and Presentations
Tech Talk: Early product design, modelling & simulation |
https://youtu.be/Exb_pfN1fhE |
Tech Talk: PROP_DESIGN ffr: Aircraft propeller design and optimization |
https://youtu.be/sZ1d2X6l3aA |
Conference Talk: PROP_DESIGN presentation at Mech-Aero 2016, Orlando Florida |
https://youtu.be/igm1Bm3y9X0 |
Software Tutorial: RHINO_ROTORBLADE usage manual |
https://youtu.be/Sfk011z_gYk |